Our vertically integrated factory allows the proximity to immediately address key issues. From renewable energy and waste management, to paying a living wage and creation of green spaces, we are working to protect our environment and improve our community.


We approach our work through the lens of eco futurism, but to evolve our system to become more sustainable and dynamic we need to work from all sides.

Current Practices

Completed in 2020

Solar Powered

Our rooftop solar power system produces a large portion of the energy we use in the building. This is the most efficient way we can make our facility more sustainable in terms of energy consumption. For all other electricity needs, we source from 100% renewable energy.

Completed in 2023

Pollinators and Pollinators Habitat

We created a pollinator habitat with all possible green areas onsite and installed several bee hives on the roof to have onsite pollinators.

Completed in 2021

Bio Packaging

We use biodegradable materials in all aspects of our business where possible. From paper goods for serving events to bin liners, we have tested each biodegradable product to see what actually breaks down into natural material.

Completed in 2021

100% LED Lighting

Our building is an adaptive reuse of an old manufacturing site and in the process of modernizing our building, we are in the final stages of eliminating all non-LED lighting.

Completed in 2021

Natural Cleaning Products

While it may not seem like a large action, we have 30,000 sq ft of space that needs cleaning consistently. Of the most toxic chemicals in any building, typically many are found in standard cleaning products. There are readily available substitutes for all of our needs and we no longer have to worry about the harm caused by what is going down the drain.

Ongoing Pursuits

Engage in 2026

Water Capture

Currently our stormwater is not captured from the building’s rooftop and this presents an opportunity to tie in an onsite source for our grey water needed for production and other grey water needs at our building.

Engage in 2025

B Corp Certification

Currently undertaking the certification process to align the the 3rd party standards for social and environmental benefit.

Engage in 2026

Upcycle Product

We have opportunity to upcycle 15,000 pounds of glass annually and turn it into something of value, removing it from the waste stream.